We were glad to welcome over 400 online attendees to ‘Equip: Dealing with depression’ in February 2021.
The fact that so many came highlights how important the topic of depression is, especially in the current climate, and so we've made a recording of this event available for free.
In this session Andrew Nicholls explores what Scripture has to say about depression, and how individuals and churches can care for those who are suffering.
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Dr Andrew Nicholls, MA, is the Director of Pastoral Care at Oak Hill College.
"Pastoral care is what the gospel is for. In the gospel, God himself saves, secures and sanctifies us out of the deepest covenant love and faithful care, and with the gospel he equips us to be his agents in this glorious work. Oak HIll is committed to raising up a generation of church servants who increasingly know how wonderfully the gospel reaches into us, and through us into others, at every twist and turn of life."