In July 2021 the annual Oak Hill School of Theology was hosted in person and live online at Oak Hill College. The theme was ‘Ears to hear: Discerning God’s Voice in Scripture’. Providing a way into TIS (‘The Theological Interpretation of Scripture’), the event looked at what it is, how we should assess it, why it matters in ordinary ministry and how its insights deepen our own lives in the word, as well as the ministry of the word to others.
The sessions of the day were:
Session 1. Mapping the territory: what is the ‘Theological Interpretation of Scripture’ (‘TIS’)? - Tim Ward
This session surveys the landscape that the rest of the day will explore. We’ll ask about the motivations behind TIS, its convictions about interpretation and theology, and what it says about the role of godliness in biblical interpretation.
Session 2. Scripture interprets Scripture: reading Scripture canonically - Chris Ansberry
TIS is strong on Scripture as a unified, divinely authored book. This session opens up forms of canonical interpretation, exploring the rich ways in which one biblical text sheds light on others. That will lead to the vexed question of typology and allegory, and on to implications for how Christ is to be seen in the Old Testament.
Session 3. Interpreting Scripture with the Reformers: the teaching and example of Calvin - Alden McCray
TIS is strong on the need to learn from the past, recovering some older approaches to biblical interpretation. This session will open up how the Reformers approached biblical interpretation, in the search for illuminating perspectives on how we do things.
Session 4. Interpreting Scripture theologically: doctrine meets exegesis - Chris Stead
TIS starts with a big capital ‘T’ for theology. This session explores how theology ought to shape good biblical interpretation, and how TIS approaches lead to renewed biblical light on some key doctrines.
In this School of Theology we’ll provide an introduction to TIS and an assessment of it. What is it? How should we react to it? Can its insights deepen our own life in the word and our ministry of the word to others?"
Tim Ward
Speaker at School of Theology 2021