Our life together



“Anyone who thinks that he has understood the divine Scriptures or any part of them, but cannot by his understanding build up this double love of God and neighbour, has not yet succeeded in understanding them.” So wrote Augustine, in his work On Christian Teaching.

It is such an important point: true learning must lead to the love of God and of neighbour. And so in our classrooms we want to sit humbly under God’s word, that we might grow in knowledge of the Lord and respond in praise. For that reason we regularly take time to pray, or sing, or reflect. And then we take time to listen to other voices from across the centuries, from around the world, and within the room. There are lots of opportunities for students to work collaboratively, and to apply their learning in the life of the church - all ways of making sure that knowledge doesn’t puff up but equips us for the good of our neighbour. 

We are also delighted to be able to make this learning experience available to student spouses, and to provide tailored training for them through our Spouses Network.

In all of this, the faculty are not some remote information delivery system. Instead, they seek to model Christ-like ministry, serving in local churches and sharing their lives with students. They live on the campus, lead fellowship groups, have regular tutorials with students, and are here for students and their families to get to know. It’s one of the great benefits of training in a college community. 

Revd Phil Chadder - Prison Chaplain trainer for Ministry of Justice & former student

Being in a community where the lecturer’s prime concern wasn’t the content of your head but the content of your character was a great preparation for ministry."

Revd Phil Chadder

Prison Chaplain trainer for Ministry of Justice & former student