Life at Oak Hill

The campus


Oak Hill is set in 60 acres of 18th century parkland, with an abundance of trees, open green spaces and walks. We are a 15-minute walk from the tube, which puts central London within easy reach, and the countryside of Hertfordshire and Essex is close by.

In this beautiful setting the Oak Hill community flourishes, with time for prayer and worship, sport and relaxation, coffee breaks, talking over lunch and everything else that enriches our life together.

Our sports facilities include a football pitch and a gym. We also have areas for relaxation, as well as a student common room, with television, DVD and music facilities. There are also tables for snooker and table tennis.

Because we are a Validated Partner of Middlesex University, students are eligible to use the university sports facilities, although there may be a fee for some activities.

View of the outside of the Academic Centre

The Academic Centre

Oak Hill’s commitment to academic excellence is seen in the academic centre, which was opened in 2000. The centre provides a lecture theatre and lecture room, plus on the first floor seminar rooms, the library and study facilities. The ground floor also has a large foyer and coffee area, which is popular for socialising and discussion between lectures. The centre is easily accessible, and is equipped with a hearing loop in the lecture theatre and lecture room. 

Student reading a book in the Library

The Library

Oak Hill houses one of the finest theological libraries in the south-east. It provides historical material and a wide range of contemporary resources from a variety of different traditions to support the teaching and research of members of the college.

Our library

Our Location

We are a 15 minute walk from our local tube stations. These give you access to the cultural and church life of London, including many Christian conferences and events based in the city. Also within easy distance is the countryside of Hertfordshire and Essex, with villages, walks and open spaces. The College is close to the M25, making it easy to travel around London and to the rest of the country.

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