Our People

Matthew Sleeman


Revd Matthew Sleeman, MA, MA, MSc, PhD, PhD, Diploma of Ministry


Vice Principal, Lecturer in New Testament, Greek, and Church & World

A city on a hill will not be hidden: nor will the fruits of Oak Hill. Over time, and in many places, the seeds of learning and formation lodged during a training here bring forth fruit. In it, God be praised; seeing it, I rejoice!"

Matthew describes his life aim as being a disciple, a discipler, and a shaper of disciplers, along the lines of 2 Timothy 2:2. He wants to help believers form churches, and churches to be places where the gospel can be lived out in all spheres of life.

He has PhDs in human geography and biblical studies. The first of these examined Aboriginal citizenship strategies in Australia. His second thesis combines his interests in New Testament narratives and geography, examining the implications of Christ in heaven for the earthly church and its mission within Acts.

It has been published with Cambridge University Press as Geography and the Ascension Narrative in Acts. Matthew also writes Bible books for early readers. He has written a version of Mark’s Gospel entitled Meet Jesus in Mark, and a version of 1 Peter, entitled Follow Jesus with Peter, both published by Christian Focus. He is also working on a commentary on 1 Peter, and also towards future books on Acts, and on a Christian understanding of place. Matthew has recently completed a MSc in digital education, which informs his ongoing ministry as a teacher at College.

Prior to coming to Oak Hill, Matthew was curate in Eynsham and Cassington, two villages just outside Oxford, and he maintains an active involvement in local church life and ministry. He is married to Karen and they have six birth and foster children. Matthew’s interests include travel, films, friends, cross-country running, current affairs, and hill-walking (in no particular order!). Matthew and family attend Christ Church Cockfosters, where Karen works on the staff team.


Please find examples of Matthew's work linked below: