Our newly revalidated postgraduate programmes offer a broader range of option modules, especially in the areas of doctrine, church history and practical ministry, along with modules which are designed to integrate theological disciplines.
The PGCert comprises two modules. There are two possible pathways to complete the award:
For formal registration and administrative purposes, Pathway A students will be registered as full time while Pathway B students will be registered as part time. Full time with reference to the PGCert is not the same as being registered as a full time student on other Oak Hill programmes (for instance, please note that PGCert students are not eligible to apply for College accommodation).
Students are required to attend all their classes and are expected to attend Chapel on the days that they are in College (Chapel takes place every weekday in the middle of the day).
At Levels 4-6, the College aims to offer some of its option modules through a rolling programme of Summer Intensives. However, modules are not available in intensive format at Level 7: as such, while a PGCert student on Pathway B may choose to audit modules in intensive format during the intervening summer period (up to the value of 20 credits), these will necessarily be at Levels 4, 5 or 6 and will not contribute to the classification of their PGCert.
Students are permitted to audit individual modules (i.e. to study, but not for credit) alongside the compulsory and option modules that they are studying for credit as part of their programme. Postgraduate students (including students on the PGCert) may audit at no extra charge up to two additional modules, regardless of credit rating or level, over the duration of their programme, i.e. this would normally mean two modules in one year for Pathway A students and one module per year for Pathway B students. Any modules taken for audit above the limit of two will be charged at the internal auditing rate. For postgraduate students, auditing modules is subject to the approval of their Personal Tutor or the Director of Postgraduate Studies, as appropriate.
Not applicable for the PGCert.