May 2020
In June 2016, Oak Hill College underwent a Higher Education Review (Alternative Providers) by the Quality Assurance Agency. In its final report, which is available here, the QAA made the following judgements about the College and its provision:
The maintenance of the academic standards of awards offered on behalf of its degree-awarding body meets UK expectations.
The quality of student learning opportunities meets UK expectations.
The quality of information about learning opportunities meets UK expectations.
The enhancement of student learning opportunities meets UK expectations.
The College produced an Action Plan in response to the recommendations made in the 2016 Report, which has been continuously updated ever since: the latest version (February 2020) is attached here.
Since the original Review, the College has received two Annual Monitoring Visits, during which the QAA concluded that the College was making commendable (2017) followed by acceptable (2019) progress with continuing to monitor, review and enhance its higher education provision: reports from both visits are available here.
If you have any questions about the College's relationship with the QAA or about the College's Action Plan, please do not hesitate to contact the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager, Anne Andrews.