College News and Prayer Request
10 March 2023
Dear College Supporters, Alumni and Others
This week Johnny Juckes shared the news with the College community that he intends to step down as President/Principal. We ask for your prayers in the coming weeks as we search for a successor to Johnny.
Having been in the role for over five years, some weeks ago Johnny asked the College Council to begin looking for a successor to develop and oversee the College’s strategy for the next season.
Johnny says: “Although I will be leaving, I will be praying for God’s next leader for Oak Hill, a fresh leader for the next five years, who will bring new energy and different gifts to the task that lies ahead.”
We are of course very grateful to Johnny for the way the College has developed over the last few years, and are pleased that he will remain in post until his successor assumes the role at the start of the new academic year in Autumn 2023.
The search process is being led by the College Council, with the involvement of staff and students.
There will be opportunities to say much more at the point of transition but, for the moment, please do pray for the Lord to raise up the right person for the next phase of the College’s life, and wisdom for us to know who that is.
Jeremy Anderson (Chairman of the Oak Hill College Council)