Announcing the Appointment of Director of Cross-Cultural Training
2 August 2023

Oak Hill College is thrilled to announce that Dr Chris Howles has been appointed to the role of Director of Cross-Cultural Training. Chris will take a lead in teaching on mission and strengthening students’ training in cross-cultural understanding right across the college teaching programme. He’ll also be working to develop the college’s growing links with diaspora churches and networks throughout London and the UK. This full-time appointment is crucial to Oak Hill’s vision to equip all kinds of Christian leaders for ministry in a complex and diverse world, as well as to train those who will serve specifically in cross-cultural mission.
Chris, who is a graduate of Oak Hill, writes:
During my four years as a student Oak Hill College played a pivotal role in strengthening my appreciation of God's global mission purposes through the church. Local churches are called not only to send and support gospel workers cross-culturally but also to welcome, learn from, and collaborate with Christians from diverse cultures and nationalities right here in the UK. Oak Hill enjoys a strong tradition of cultivating Christian leaders who are biblically grounded and missiologically informed. I’m hugely excited to play a part in developing that even further.”
Chris comes to Oak Hill with twelve years’ experience serving at the Uganda Martyrs Seminary in Kampala, latterly as Head of Theology. He will take up his role in January 2024, working through to summer 2024 alongside David Baldwin, the current Director of Global Mission. At that point David will move on from Oak Hill, having passed the baton of all things missional over to Chris. Please pray for Chris and his family as they move from Uganda and prepare for this new ministry.