In this course we're going to think together carefully about questions such as:
We'll look into some of the significant issues facing global mission today, and we'll think biblically and missiologically about tricky questions facing many churches and missionaries today such as money, call, culture, and spiritual warfare.
God is at work all over the world! And yet many local churches struggle to know how they might join with Him in these global gospel purposes. What might it look like for Christians today to be faithful to God's call and fruitful in God's mission not just in their own local settings but even to the ends of the earth?
Chris Howles
Module tutor
Church Leader's Reference Form
We require a reference if you are not currently in paid Christian ministry.
If you have any questions pertaining to signing up for your course, group rates, or church rates email
Please note in order to take this course you will need a reliable internet connection and payment (if required) needs to be made before 23rd August.