We have four standard ordination training pathways approved by the Church of England's Ministry Development Team (MDT).
Most ordinands apply for either the DipHE or BA (Hons), depending on how many years' training they are recommended for. Those who already hold a qualification in Theology may be eligible to apply for the MA:
Please read the relevant programme descriptions for more information.
Any other training pathway would be considered non-standard and would therefore require the agreement of the sponsoring diocese, MDT and Oak Hill.
I love the fact that lots of the lecturers here have been pastors themselves so they are rooted in their experience and what it actually look like in day to day ministry. The Anglican stream is a real strength and I have appreciated learning alongside brothers and sisters from different denominations from whom I can learn much.
Tim Bridges
Current student
I invariably found my fellow students and the staff to be deeply thoughtful and considerate people."
Revd Sophie Bannister
Member of Junia Network committee & former student