Christian leadership always involves a growing combination of biblical, practical and theoretical skills.
In preparation for the particular demands of Gospel ministry and church leadership, this module leads students to reflect critically and theologically on various models of leadership, to articulate a thoughtful account of personal leadership and to skillfully construct some indicative training materials for church or parachurch life (e.g. discipleship, evangelism, small groups, change). Students will consider topics such as leadership and management theory, teams, coaching, small group structures, urban, suburban and rural church patterns, denominational habits of growth and decline, how to critique vision and develop strategy.
Mark 10:42-45 contrasts patterns of leadership in the world and the mindset and heartfelt commitment Jesus expects from all his followers, as well as from those who lead in his name, following his example. In this module we are eager to learn from Jesus to lead like Jesus. Basic Christian leadership would be a better title.”