
Issues in Biblical Studies

Programme module

In this module we explore the Minor Prophets as Christian Scripture. We aim to become more confident and competent biblical scholars and to this end one major component of the module involves engaging with contemporary research on the Book of the Twelve and with the use of the Minor Prophets in the New Testament. In this way we will consolidate and extend previous learning in exegesis and biblical theology.

We also aim to develop our ability to read these texts as Christians and for the service of the church. To this end another major component of the module involves immersing ourselves in historical and contemporary Christian readings of the Minor Prophets in the form of commentaries or sermons, paying attention to the way in which particular contexts shaped the way the Scriptures were read and proclaimed.

Our biblical studies research will both question and be questioned by our explorations in Christian readings. This will lead us to be able to better articulate some hermeneutical issues we face when reading the Bible so that, being well informed by various theological disciplines, we become more faithful readers and proclaimers of Old Testament texts in our own contexts.